Philips presents CEUS application at Bubble Conference

2019 12 18 18 21 0442 Philips Rsna 2019 400

Philips is introducing a new super contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) application for the company's Epiq Elite ultrasound system, as well as highlighting results being presented at the International Bubble Conference in Chicago.

Dirk-André Clevert, from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, will present results of his work with this application at the conference. The study is titled, "New Super Resolution MVI and Time of Arrival Imaging (TOA) in the Characterization of Liver Lesions."

The company said that with this application, CEUS imaging can deliver up to 200% better spatial resolution than previous offerings. It also highlighted that super-resolution microvascular imaging through CEUS does not expose patients to ionizing radiation and is generally more cost-effective and more accessible. Philips also said that compared to iodinated contrast media, adverse reaction rates to the microbubble contrast media used for CEUS are also lower.

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