TeamBest Global company Best Theratronics has garnered $30 million (26 million euros) worth of international orders for new cyclotron systems and upgrades.
Customers in Asia, Europe, and the U.S. have placed orders for Best 35 MeV high-current proton cyclotron systems, the Best 6 MeV to 15 MeV high-current/variable-energy delivery cyclotron system, and multiple technology upgrades to high-energy cyclotrons, according to the vendor.
In other news, a sister company in the TeamBest Global portfolio, Best ABT Molecular Imaging, has manufactured and shipped five Best BG-75 cyclotrons in 2021, according to the firm. Best ABT Molecular Imaging said it now plans to substantially increase production in early 2022, enabling additional production of other models such as the new Best Model 200 system, Best Model 3d low-energy deuteron/proton cyclotron, and other treatment delivery systems.