Xograph installs wireless DR unit in Ireland

Xograph Healthcare Ireland has installed the BuckyStar Intuition digital radiography (DR) system in the new Cardiac Renal Centre at Cork University Hospital in the Republic of Ireland.

The system is equipped with an 11.3-megapixel (MP) Canon CXDI-401C detector in the DR wall stand, a portable 9.5-MP Canon CXDI-70C wireless detector for use in the table and for direct radiography, and a portable 6.1-MP Canon CXDI-80C wireless detector for general use around the room.

The new Cardiac Renal Centre will provide centralized cardiac and renal services and has more than 90 ward beds, 10 intensive therapy units, 12 high-dependency units, eight coronary care units equipped with a new Ziehm Solo mobile C-arm from Xograph, two operating theater suites, and rehabilitation facilities.

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