RadConnect image sharing serves Kenya

Patients in Kenya are receiving expert reads from U.S. radiologists thanks to donated software from teleradiology provider StatRad.

Doctors at Tenwek Hospital in rural western Kenya are using StatRad's RadConnect platform to upload patient radiology exams for transmission to U.S.-based radiologists, who read and then return them to doctors at the hospital.

Visiting radiologist Dr. Stanley Cheng, who introduced StatRad to Tenwek in 2014, said the hospital treats 140,000 outpatients each year and admits another 13,000 inpatients. The company offers a free version of RadConnect, but the huge demand for x-ray, ultrasound, and CT services meant the hospital needed a full licensed version of the platform.

The pro bono enterprise license for the hospital became effective in May 2015. Since then, almost 1,000 patient exams have been uploaded from Tenwek and analyzed by U.S. radiologists.

StatRad also provides radiology support services at Soddo Christian Hospital in neighboring Ethiopia, at Bongolo Hospital in Gabon, and in support of a new midwife project using ultrasound at 12 rural clinics in Uganda.

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