Week in Review: Ranschaert on data breaches | New Dutch breast MRI findings | Canon to have no onsite presence at RSNA

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Data breaches and cyberattacks: The mere utterance of these words is guaranteed to send shudders down the spines of IT professionals, hospital managers, regulators, and the clinical staff whose work depends on accessing key files.

In this week's top article, Dr. Erik Ranschaert, PhD, a longstanding and active member of our Editorial Advisory Board, presents his own viewpoint on data protection. He also reflects on the differences between Europe and the U.S. Find out more in the Artificial Intelligence Community.

When it comes to breast imaging research, the Dutch are among the world leaders. A group from Utrecht published the findings of an important breast MRI study on Tuesday. You can learn more in the Women's Imaging Community.

The organizers of large global congresses suffered a setback on Wednesday, when Canon made it clear it will not exhibit onsite at RSNA 2021 in Chicago and will instead focus on the company's virtual exhibit. It remains to be seen whether other vendors will follow suit and how ECR 2022 will be affected.

A wave of negative reports about telephone consultations by hospital doctors and general practitioners has appeared recently in the European news media. Some radiologists distrust telehealth because they feel it disconnects them from patients and referrers and commoditizes radiology, but new evidence suggests it can be effective.

Meanwhile, Germany is investing heavily in promoting interdisciplinary research into artificial intelligence. Prof. Dr. Ulrike Attenberger from Bonn elaborates in a Q&A interview.

Looking ahead, the French national congress, Journées Francophones de Radiologie (JFR) 2021, begins today. Watch out for our coverage of this meeting, as well as the annual scientific meeting of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), which got underway yesterday.

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