Sectra to equip London's Whittington Health

Healthcare IT firm Sectra has signed an agreement with Whittington Health National Health Service (NHS) trust in London to implement efficient image and information-management systems at the hospital.

The deal is for a complete IT solution for managing radiology images and patient information, including region-wide access to images and information that is independent of RIS/PACS based on the integrating the healthcare enterprise (IHE)-standard cross-enterprise document sharing (XDS), Sectra said. Also included is the Sectra Open Archive product for long-term image storage. It connects any DICOM-compliant image storage system, providing an efficient infrastructure for workflow across enterprises.

The package will provide for more efficient image and information-management workflow in the hospital, and will help make images available to other facilities as needed, improving patient care in the process, Whittington and Sectra said.

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