The German Radiological Society (DRG) is to launch a new book about medical imaging's current and future role during the upcoming 100th German Radiology Congress (Deutscher Röntgenkongress, RöKo 2019), which begins in Leipzig on 29 May.

As part of the research, the DRG brought together 15 radiologists, medical physicists, and medical-technical radiologist assistants (MTRAs) to discuss a wide range of topics over 18 months. The result is an anthology, titled Radiologie in Deutschland: Ein Weißbuch, that offers, above all, a kind of radiological "floral collection," in addition to the presentation of the state of the art and a professional perspective, according to a DRG press release issued on 20 May. Extended picture galleries also provide insight into the world of radiology, with its many different techniques.
"When you open the book, the design is the first thing that catches one's eye. Radiology with all its imaging techniques is of course also represented here in images that fill almost half of the book," DRG President Prof. Stefan Schönberg pointed out. "This transfer of knowledge has resulted in a completely new dialogue with other specialist groups, with doctors, but also with nonphysicians. This is fully reflected in the authors' contributions."
The first chapter explains about the current role of radiology in medicine. The second chapter shows the importance of teamwork (especially among radiologists, physicists, and radiographers), and the third/final chapter deals with the future of radiology (artificial intelligence, big data, personalized medicine, etc.).

"Above all, the texts and images provide insights from those who deal with radiology in Germany every day for their jobs, and for that, a book is important so that radiology tells its story, from different perspectives and working contexts," noted Dr. Stefan Lohwasser, DRG's managing director. "This radiological diversity of people, topics, and positions can be a basis and a starting point to have a conversation -- with each other, but above all with everybody else."
The cost of the book is 29 euros for DRG members and 39 euros for nonmembers. It is likely to be of interest to the radiological community, including students and other young people, financial stakeholders, health policy stakeholders, journalists, and the general public.
During RöKo 2019, the book will be presented in the DRG's "RöntgenFORUM" at the congress venue (Hall 2/Messe Leipzig), and it will be discussed at three sessions between 29 and 31 May. More details are available on the DRG website.