Latest JFR news; clinical PET/MRI; breast screening's future

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

The French national radiology congress -- known simply as "the JFR" -- receives little attention outside of French-speaking countries, yet it's a hugely important and well-attended meeting. There's a language barrier for most people because nearly every session is held in French, but as part of our service to readers, we've brought you daily news stories from the congress, some of which are also available in French.

We started on Friday with a discussion of how France is now taking a more regional approach to PACS. Click here for contributing writer John Brosky's report. We then provided hot news about GE Healthcare's DoseWatch radiation dose tracking software, which was unveiled during the weekend and will be introduced in North America at the RSNA meeting. Read more here.

Virtual autopsies also made the headlines at the JFR, and radiologists from Marseille and Rouen, as well as Lausanne in Switzerland, shared their knowledge of this emerging area. Get the story here. On a lighter note, you can read about how exhibitors increased booth traffic by showing the Rugby World Cup final between New Zealand and France. Click here to find out more.

European researchers' early clinical experiences of PET/MRI are starting to emerge, and some of them chose to unveil their findings at the recent European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) annual congress. Visit our MRI Digital Community to learn more.

The debate over breast screening's benefits continues to intensify. The Scottish government announced in August that it's reviewing its program, and now England and Wales have followed suit. It's highly significant that such well-established screening programs are coming under growing scrutiny. Go to the Women's Imaging Digital Community for the details.

Last but not least, a new installment of our ever-popular Maverinck column has gone live this week too. Find out what's on the mind of Dr. Peter Rinck, PhD, by clicking here.

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