Philipp Bruners receives Marie Curie Medal from DRG

2023 05 25 23 03 4820 Bruners Philipp 20230525234535

The German Radiological Society (DRG) has awarded the Marie Curie Medal to Prof. Philipp Bruners, professor at the Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at RWTH Aachen University Hospital, for his "outstanding academic achievements."

Prof. Philipp Bruners received the award at the 104th German Congress of Radiology in Wiesbaden. Courtesy of DRG / Thomas Ralafzyk.Prof. Philipp Bruners received the award at the 104th German Congress of Radiology in Wiesbaden. Courtesy of DRG / Thomas Ralafzyk.

Bruners' research includes developing new ablation techniques, navigated procedures, and vascular interventions. His special focus is on treating patients with liver metastases through local therapy.

His group in Aachen has published research on systematically describing predictors for pretreatment success and criteria for the differential therapeutic approach, as well as studying the long-term patient outcomes. It has also studied hepatobiliary interventions in patients with advanced liver cirrhosis.

Along with the DRG, Bruners is a member of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Society of Europe (CIRSE), the German Society for Interventional Radiology (DeGIR), and the European Society of Radiology (ESR). He is also a reviewer for several journals.

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