Marion Smits receives Vici grant for brain MRI research

2021 01 27 18 57 6991 Smits Marion 400

Prof. Marion Smits, PhD, from Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, is the recipient of the Vici grant for her research on using MRI for virtual biopsy of brain tumors, the Dutch Society of Radiology has announced.

Vici is one of the largest personal scientific grants in the Netherlands and is awarded to senior researchers who have demonstrated that they can develop their own line of research. It is part of the NWO Talent Programme, in which Care Research and Medical Sciences (ZonMw) is one of the domains.

Smits' research team works on the development of methods to use artificial intelligence to make tissue diagnosis of brain tumors noninvasive by using advanced MRI scans.

For more details, see the statement issued on 23 February.

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