RCR gives advice on how to build reporting networks

2020 06 15 23 01 0755 Data Network Hand 400

The U.K. Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) has issued practical guidance on what imaging departments must do to link to a radiology image- and report-sharing network.

The authors said the advice will be useful to clinical PACS leads and PACS and IT teams when they begin to procure standards-based, vendor-neutral, seamlessly interoperable network radiology platforms.

They also noted that patients may benefit from these networks by accessing timely high-quality imaging reviews by radiologists and clinicians.

The document was written by the RCR's Radiology Informatics Committee, with particular input from Dr. Neelam Dugar and Dr. Nick Hollings. It can be downloaded free-of-charge from the RCR website.

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