Vogl highlights success of 102nd German national congress

2021 04 30 15 49 2612 Vogl Thomas 20210812154253

The 102nd German Radiology Congress has attracted 47,000 radiologists, medical physicists, and medical-technical radiology assistants since 27 March, and the success of the meeting has been due to a good balance and strong mix of topics, says radiologist Prof. Dr. Thomas J. Vogl.

Prof Dr. Thomas Vogl.Prof Dr. Thomas Vogl.

Delegates have enthused about sessions on COVID-19 imaging, sports and accident medicine, and artificial intelligence, added Vogl, who is head of the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the University Hospital Frankfurt am Main.

The fully virtual congress is currently taking a break for the summer. The second half of the congress will be held from 26 August to 8 November.

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