RCR rolls out new curricula across U.K.

2021 08 09 18 08 1120 Rcr Logo 400

The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) has unveiled new curricula for clinical radiology, interventional radiology, and clinical oncology that are being gradually implemented across the country.

The new curricula reflect the General Medical Council's Excellence by Design standards for postgraduate curricula. They replace the previous lists of knowledge, skills, and behaviors with "concise" outcomes and a more intuitive and holistic approach to assessment, according to a release by the RCR.

The new clinical oncology curriculum was developed in partnership with the Medical Oncology Specialty Advisory Committee. The clinical and medical oncology curricula have been closely aligned and contain shared outcomes, a common first year of training for trainees and more focus on preparing trainees to lead and develop acute oncology services.

The new clinical radiology and interventional radiology curricula include a focus on developing generalist skills required to support acute unscheduled care and be more flexible in defining the capabilities required for special interest or subspecialty practice. There is also a requirement for trainees to evaluate emerging techniques and technologies, such as artificial intelligence and hybrid imaging.

Materials to support implementation are available on the clinical radiology and clinical oncology curriculum web pages.

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