Europe's IHE Connectathon draws crowd

The 2013 European Connectathon for Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) successfully conducted more than 2,300 tests for interoperability, according to a statement from IHE-Europe.

The event was held 15-19 April in Istanbul, Turkey, in conjunction with the IHE World Summit. In all, 330 engineers from 76 organizations tested 102 medical information systems. At last year's event, 350 engineers conducted 2,935 events that tested 120 systems.

This year, the Gazelle test management tools used at the Connectathon included the EVS Proxy, which helps audit the integrity of messages exchanged between two systems being tested. The robustness and stability of the Gazelle testing tools enabled rapid, efficient system testing and allowed the engineers to conduct in-depth tests of new systems, according to IHE-Services, manager of the Connectathon.

At a parallel Projectathon for the Europe Patient Smart Open Services (epSOS), engineers from Croatia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, and Switzerland tested systems mostly based on the open NCP (National Contact Point) developed on open source license. The Projectathon was held in advance of its participants joining a large-scale pilot program supported by the European Union for cross-border exchanges of medical data for mobile patients.

IHE-Austria will host the 2014 Connectathaon in Vienna next spring.

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