Bracco Imaging and partners in Italy have released a large dataset of chest x-rays from COVID-19 patients to facilitate the development of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms.
Available with open access to the global scientific community, the AIforCOVID Imaging Archive contains more than 1,000 chest radiographs from COVID-19 patients along with clinical information about the patient. The data was collected as part of the nonprofit AIforCOVID initiative, which was promoted by Bracco in partnership with the Italian Diagnostic Center, according to the vendor.

The AIforCOVID initiative involves a number of hospitals and public/private research institutes such as the IRCCS Ca'Granda Foundation Maggiore Polyclinic Hospital in Milan; IRCCS San Matteo Polyclinic Foundation in Pavia; Careggi University Hospital in Florence; ASST Santi Paolo and Carlo in Milan; ASST Fatebenefratelli-Sacco in Milan; ASST San Gerardo Hospital in Monza; and the House for Relief of Suffering Hospital in San Giovanni Rotondo.
The vendor noted that the Italian Institute of Technology of Genoa and Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome have also collaborated on data analysis and developing AI algorithms, working in partnership with the Italian Diagnostic Center and Bracco Imaging teams. These models aim to identify indicators of risk for severe disease progression, according to Bracco.
The AIforCOVID platform integrates a range of Amazon Web Services technologies, including machine learning and AI from Amazon SageMaker, Bracco said.