Radiographers 'often last step' when it comes to medicine safety

2017 07 19 13 55 00 148 Safety First 400

Radiographers often serve as "the last step" when it comes to patient safety and medicine delivery, according to speakers at a webinar hosted on 15 September by the World Health Organization (WHO).

"Radiographers and technologists are often the last step in the chain before a patient receives medication," the U.K. Society of Radiographers (SoR) said in a statement issued on 16 September. "They have an essential role in double-checking that all pre-administration processes are complete, considering how they individualize their approach to medicines and support and advise patients appropriately for the imaging examination."

International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT) President Donna Newman introduced the event. Presenters included representatives from WHO and from SoR who spoke on topics such as collaboration between the WHO and organizations like the ISRRT, the prescribing role of radiographers, considerations for contrast use with CT imaging, the prevention of misadministration of radiopharmaceuticals, and reducing the risk of adverse effects of contrast-enhancing agents using MRI.

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