The European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) is seeking applicants for the Roger Perez Award, which is given to individuals and initiatives focused on nuclear medicine education.
Any candidates with nuclear medicine education are eligible to apply with a CV and a one-page statement that includes a detailed description of the project or initiative to be evaluated, including a description of the outcome, by 30 June 2022. Candidates may also be nominated by others.
Dr. Roger Perez. Image courtesy of EANM.
Dr. Roger Perez ran the nuclear medicine department of the American Hospital of Paris for more than 30 years.
The first-prize winner will receive 3,500 euros; the second prize winner will receive 2,500 euros. Winners will be announced on the EANM site and social media on 30 September.
The award ceremony will be held at EANM 2022 in Barcelona.