ESR publishes new edition of Esperanto

The European Society of Radiology (ESR) has published the second edition of Esperanto, the ESR Guide to Clinical Audit in Radiology and Clinical Audit Tool.

Formally launched at ECR 2019, Esperanto is a free English language document that's designed to support European radiology departments in establishing and/or developing an internal clinical audit program, according to the ESR. Esperanto's first section contains a clinical audit guide that explains the fundamentals of audit process and practice and also clarifies the legal requirements around clinical audit as mandated within the European Union Basic Safety Standard (EU-BSS), the society said. As of February 2018, a functional program of clinical audit (and reaudit) is now mandatory within all radiology departments across Europe to comply with the EU-BSS radiation protection standards.

The second section of Esperanto includes 30 audit templates, as well as a blank audit template that can be adapted to local use, according to the ESR. Most of the templates relate to radiation protection and key EU-BSS standards, with the remainder covering nonradiation protection topics relating to clinical practice and service provision.

The document was developed by the ESR Audit and Standards Subcommittee of the ESR Quality, Safety, and Standards Committee and can be found on the ESR's website.

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