Fuji SonoSite donates POC ultrasound unit to Iraqi hospital

Ultrasound developer Fujifilm SonoSite has donated a point-of-care (POC) ultrasound system to Cadus, an independent aid organization that supports humanitarian relief efforts in Iraq. The system will be used at Al-Khansaa Women's and Children's Hospital in Mosul.

The donation came about in part through the company's contact with Cadus volunteer Dr. Henryk Pich of the University of Dresden. Pich visited the hospital after the city was freed from ISIS control last year. More than 85% of the building and its equipment had been destroyed.

Pich approached Fujifilm SonoSite for help, and the company donated an M-Turbo system for the hospital, it said. He will deliver the device to his Iraqi colleagues at Al-Khansaa, according to Fujifilm SonoSite.

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