Is outsourcing the silent killer? UKRC survey on social media; report on CT in U.K.

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

It was pure conference gold: a professionally managed debate involving four eloquent participants addressing a hot issue of the moment. As a rare heat wave gripped the U.K., it was no surprise that temperatures soared yesterday both inside and outside the venue of the country's national radiology meeting, the UK Radiological Congress (UKRC).

Just as it did two years ago, the plenary session on outsourcing drew a packed audience and proved captivating to all. One thing's for sure, reaching a consensus on this topic is a long way off. For our news report, click here.

Use of social media was another important theme at this week's congress, which ended Wednesday. For the first time, Dr. Erik Ranschaert, a member of the editorial advisory board of, presented the findings of his major new survey. To learn more, go to our Healthcare Informatics Community, or click here.

Shortly before the UKRC got underway on Monday, a comprehensive new report on CT in the U.K. was unveiled. It found that understanding of dose reduction technologies still appears poor, and too few radiology departments have an adequate replacement plan for the modality. Visit our CT Community, or click here.

Meanwhile, the restoration plans for Wilhelm Roentgen's birthplace in Germany are moving ahead fast. This represents a wonderful opportunity to present the life, work, and lasting influence of the great man in a more interesting manner, writes our history columnist Dr. Adrian Thomas. Get the story here.

In neighboring Austria, more unrest has emerged among healthcare professionals. For the second time in a month, public-sector radiologists and other physicians in Vienna have voted overwhelmingly to strike, adding fuel to a protracted conflict with hospital managers and the city government over pay and working hours. Click here to read more.

One of our most popular articles during June was the news report about the EU radiation safety directive. The authors of the European Society of Radiology document on this topic have asked us to post a clarification about the article, and you can read it below the original story.

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