COCIR updates code of conduct

The European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical, and Healthcare IT Industry (COCIR) has launched a new version of its pan-European Code of Conduct.

The revised code contains additional guidance in a number of new areas to address interactions between medical technology companies and healthcare professionals, COCIR said. The new rules also relate to topics such as public procurement of medical technology, industry support of third-party conferences, the provision of educational grants, and interactions with independent third parties such as agents, distributors, and consultants.

In addition, existing guidance has been clarified or strengthened, including topics such as gifts, hospitality, and demonstration and evaluation of equipment, COCIR said.

The new code becomes effective on 1 January 2015. Until then, the current COCIR code -- including supporting materials that are already published on the COCIR website -- remains in full force and effect.

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