3mensio nets CE Mark for workstation

Advanced visualization developer 3mensio Medical Imaging of Bilthoven, Netherlands, has received the CE Mark Class IIa for its 3surgery vascular imaging workstation.

The University Hospital Utrecht's Department of Vascular Surgery in the Netherlands has been working with the 3surgery workstation since 2006 to validate measurements on length, diameter, and volumetric data generated by the technology.

Related Reading

3mensio wins FDA clearance for vascular imaging package, February 25, 2008

3mensio, Pie ink integration deal, November 9, 2007

3mensio enters surgical visualization market, January 18, 2007

Medicsight to partner with 3mensio, November 29, 2006

Road to RSNA, Advanced Visualization, 3mensio Medical Imaging, November 8, 2006

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