Median gets 510(k) for lung and liver apps

French computer-aided detection (CAD) developer Median Technologies has received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its LMS-Lung/Track and LMS-Liver applications.

The applications are part of the company's Median LMS (Lesion Management Solutions) portfolio of applications for chest and liver CT scans. The package provides automated tools for image visualization, lesion detection and quantification, temporal evolution assessment, and automatic reporting in lung, liver, and colon CT scans, the company said.

Like other LMS applications, LMS-Lung/Track and LMS-Liver are available from standalone workstations, through a PACS workstation, or on any PC on a computer network.

By staff writers
June 18, 2007

Related Reading

Related Reading, Median Technologies, November 3, 2006

French CAD firm Median raises 10 million euros, March 8, 2006

Median gets 4 million euro boost, November 24, 2004

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