TeraRecon adds European iNtuition data center

Advanced visualization firm TeraRecon has added a dedicated iNtuition Cloud data center in Europe, the company announced at this week's European Congress of Radiology (ECR) in Vienna.

The European iNtuition Cloud node will be automatically selected when users access their iNtuition Cloud account from a location closer, in network terms, to this than any of the other key nodes, ensuring optimal performance of iNtuition Cloud for European users, the company said.

The European node is hosted in a secure datacenter in Frankfurt, Germany, and equipped with the world-class security features, TeraRecon said.

The company also announced that its global iNtuition Cloud network has been upgraded with the latest release of the iNtuition Cloud software, with new features to automate anonymization upon upload, support compressed upload, and simplify DICOM integration with existing image management systems in-house.

In addition to providing secure browser-based access to the advanced iNtuition Client, the mobile device application iNtuition Mobile for the iPad and iPhone, the secure AquariusWeb zero-footprint Web viewer, and Android-based mobile devices, can also be used to access the iNtuition Cloud servers seamlessly, the company said. Registered users are granted a unique, secure account login, which can be used to upload DICOM data, then to log in via a Web browser to access the full, interactive application for real-time review and processing. The iPad application can be downloaded from the global AppStore by searching on "TeraRecon."

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