RCR welcomes controversial ruling on Bawa-Garba case

The U.K. Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) said it welcomes the Court of Appeal's decision on 13 August to overturn a previous court ruling to strike Dr. Hadiza Bawa-Garba from the medical register.

Dr. Bawa-Garba was convicted in 2015 of manslaughter by gross negligence over the 2011 death from sepsis of a 6-year-old boy at Leicester Royal Infirmary, according to a report by BBC News. The junior doctor was suspended from the medical register for a year in June 2017, but was subsequently struck off the register in January 2018 following a legal appeal by the General Medical Council. The Court of Appeal has now reversed that decision.

"We support the view that our patients are best served and protected by the promotion of a transparent, learning culture in our hospitals and not by the scapegoating and criminalization of individuals," RCR President Dr. Nicola Strickland said in a statement. "This is especially so in such a tragic case as this, in which many multifactorial and system-based reasons contributed to the death of a child."

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